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Forty Acres Fresh Market News September 18, 2024

Only 7 Market Days Left!

A collage of fruits and veggies for the farmers market
Time To Get To The Austin Town Hall Farmer Market

Every Thursday we bring the best of the growing season to the Austin Town Hall Farmers Market. Local peaches won't be making an appearance, but the fall local strawberries will be there. We'll be bringing eggplant, cherry tomatoes, green tomatoes, return of delicata squash and...Seedling apple cider will make its first appearance this year!

a half gallon of Seedling apple cider
Seedling Apple Cider Is HERE!

Join us at the Austin Town Hall Farmers Market! We'll see you Thursday at 5610 W. Lake Street from 1 PM - 6 PM.


Tomato Season Is Delicious!

caprese salad with tropical fruits, pepitas, and hot sauce
Add Some Spice To Your Caprese

Caprese salad is a classic way to enjoy fresh, seasonal tomatoes. This week's recipe takes the ordinary caprese and adds just a little spice. Tajin, hot sauce, fruit salsa, and pepitas might not be common caprese ingredients, but they should be.


It's Getting Cold In Here! It's Time To Layer Your Clothes!

It's that time of year when you go to work with a sweatshirt on and halfway through the day you start sweating like crazy; It's time to start layering. Why not layer and show your support of your favorite grocery business at the same time?


GOGO And Put Your Money Where Your Ethics Are!

You have told us that you shop with Forty Acres Fresh Market because you believe in our mission of "Fresh food for all because every hood should be healthy." It is time for you to become an active participant in getting fresh produce to your neighbors by purchasing a Get One Give One (GOGO) produce box.

When you add a GOGO produce box to your order, you ensure that everyone has access to the same high-quality, nutritious food that you do. Your GOGO is donated to our community partners who distribute it to your neighbors experiencing food insecurity.

Purchase a GOGO box today and support others in reaching their healthy eating goals too.

a young Black child sitting next to a bag overflowing with produce
Fresh food for all!


Let's get social!

When you follow us on social media, you get to experience a different side of Forty Acres Fresh Market. We've got videos and photos that are not included in our weekly newsletter or even on our blog. We also love seeing what you're up to, so go ahead and tag us in your Forty Acres related content. You can follow us on TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , and even Twitter*. *We know that the name has changed, but just as you won't hear us calling the Sears Tower Willis Tower, you won't hear us talking about 'X' without Malcom in front of it.


We Want To Know What You Think!

Have you got questions, or maybe you just want to tell us what's on your mind. Well, we want to hear all about it! Speak on it in the comment section below.


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