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Let's Get Critical, Critical

A midsummer store update

It has been two months since our last store update. There is good news and bad news. Let's start with the bad news first to get it out of the way.

Construction will not be completed by the original target date of June 2024

Why wasn't construction completed on time? First, on-time construction is an oxymoron. It is the lie that developers tell themselves so they can sleep at night.

Second, the time to completion is all about "the critical path." In layman's terms, these are the tasks that must happen in order to complete a project. Let's just say that the critical path for the store was littered with roadblocks. Remember the issue with the structural integrity of the floors? That impacted plumbing, and guess what path plumbing is on. That's right. It's on the critical one.

The latest critical path barrier is electricity. The building is currently running off of the original power supply, which is less than half of what is needed to run a store. All of the electrical wiring and conduit has been upgraded, a new power pole was installed, and there is a brand new transformer. All that is left is for ComEd to approve the work, install meters, and turn it on.

This just in! Live footage of the construction project superintendent waiting on ComEd to come back to the building.

So the critical path delays have pushed the project completion target date back about two months. It is important to note that even a revised date is still an estimate and there is no guarantee that additional issues will not arise.

Now, for the good news. The path may be critical, but it ain't singular. While we wait for movement in one area, progress continues in others. The building's exterior has transformed from a drab wall of solid cinderblocks to an eye catching design complete with windows.

What was once a wide open interior, sectioned off by markings on the floor and steel framing, is now distinct rooms, defined with actual walls. We even have a vestibule, and it is glorious.

Hello from the produce prep window 👋🏾

Now this is an entrance!

Look at all of that space! There is room for carts, baskets, sale displays, customers, and more! The best part of the design are the massive interior windows that provide sight lines across the whole store.

And across state lines, skilled craftspeople are building the fixtures that will fill the space. Behold, these orchard bins built from reclaimed wood, courtesy of CMS, Inc.

The progress is undeniable, yet the question remains, how much more is left to do. Our general contractor, Milhouse Construction and Engineering, puts the project at about 75% completion. This week work begins to level the floors (which currently roll and slope like amber waves of grain) and outside site work, including a new sidewalk off the parking lot.

Once ComEd deems us worthy of power the critical path to completion will continue. Flooring, equipment installation, a new sump pump, a dock lift, and decor are still to come. The last 25% of this project is in no way small, but there is far more behind us than ahead. What do you think of the progress to date? What are you most excited for about the store? Hit the comments and let us know what's on your mind.

1 Comment

Jul 03, 2024

I hope that all of your employees are black

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