Letter from Liz previously published in the 6/8/2023 Forty Acres Fresh Market Newsletter

You see that banner at the top of this email. Read it. Now read it again.
It says, “Fresh food for all. Because every hood should be healthy.”
Since founding Forty Acres Fresh Market I keep encountering the same misconception. Many people think that because our mission is to increase access to affordable fresh food in underserved communities that Forty Acres is a charitable organization, only serving people experiencing food insecurity. Heck, up until February of this year my own mother thought this was a not for profit organization. Allow me to state this unequivocally. Forty Acres Fresh Market is a grocery business. In a 2021 WGN Chicago’s Very Own spotlight I said, “I didn’t see a neighborhood that needs saving or people that needed me to rescue them, I saw people that were underserved in their market and who are customers to be valued.”
When I say “Fresh food for all,” I mean ALL. Transforming Austin’s healthy food landscape (keep reading for a store update) increases options for everyone, regardless of zip code. Our delivery service has customers all over the city and western suburbs, even people who live blocks away from a major supermarket. If having produce delivered to your door makes it more accessible to you than going to the store, then our mission is accomplished. So if you’ve been following us for years, love what we do, but think we’re not here to service you, scroll up and read that header one more time. You are included in the all. Now take a stroll this afternoon and meet us at the Austin Town Hall.